Gone Fishin With My Pap Read Count : 99

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

It was a super duper stinkin' hot day at camp today. It's now evening and still hot outside but not nearly as appalling  as it was in the early hours of today. I live in the North East and we have had temperatures reaching triple digits with night time lows in the lower 90's. A record high for us in this region of the U.S 

6:30 pm. We are loading up the truck to go fishing and it's going to be a fun night out. I have my rod, tacklebox and soda pop in the cooler. Oh, and the insect repellent is a must with all the little critters flying around the lake on this fine evening.  It's now 6:30 and we're leaving to go fishing.

7:00 pm. We are at the fishing hole, chairs set up and it's time to cast out and reel them big boys in. 

7:20 pm. Got my first bite but the fish took my worm and left me baitless. I'm learning to describe my surroundings in the summer writing course I'm enrolled in so I'm going to give it a try:

Description of my current situation and surroundings - 

The lake was like a little piece of heaven on earth. Little wooden boats sent blueish silver waves that splashed against the big gray rocks along the shoreline. The hot days sun began to fall below the horizon, leaving a short lived bright orange reflection across the surface of the water as the twilight would soon appear. 

Soon after the rippling water became calm like perfect glass. The lake became empty and darkness surrounded us. This is the time when the fish jump and come alive. Let's do this already. 

It's now 10:15 pm and I finally caught my first fish. Woo hoo! 19 inch large mouth bass. Other than I had a few nibbles and bites here and there. When I reeled that bass in and he was fighting like a hard knoch. Every time I  just throw them bad boys back into the lake where they belong. I'm not one to hurt any living thing unless it's a cow because I love cheeseburgers endlessly. 🍔🐂.

It's now 11 pm and I'm cleaning up to go home. I like these late nights. It's nice to be on ADULT STATUS once in a while I guess. It depends on who you asked LOL. Today I'm grateful for all of life's blessings. What are you grateful for?                By JJ Hancock 


  • Glad you're keeping up on your writing. Good job J 💚

    Jul 06, 2018

  • niice ^^

    Jul 06, 2018

  • Jul 06, 2018

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