Knight Read Count : 146

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
"What's going on? (Owe)... My heads hurts so much. Where am I?  I can barely think straight was I drugged? Why is my whole body numb?(struggling to move) Damn it!! I can't just sit here. I don't know why, but I feel like I have to get back somewhere. I must save someone before it's too late. " Male teen

"(Struggling to speak) Kid Are you awake?" Female Voice 

"What was that I thought I heard a voice. Hello is anyone here. It's so dark here I can't see you. Where are you?" Male teen

"I don't think you want my to turn the lights on in here." Female teen Voice

"Who are you? Do you know where we are? Male teen

"So you don't remember me?"Female teen Voice

"I'm sorry, but I don't even know who I am?" Male teen

"I'm sorry about getting you into this ( weak coughing) Jackie you ass.(groaning in pain) Female teen Voice

"Are you okay can you move?" Male teen

(Heavy coughing) I'm so sorry Knight (softly crying) Female Teen Voice

"So my name it Knight." Knight

"(Holding back tears)Yeah... your name is Knight Shadow."Female Teen Voice

"Knight Shadow huh....? And what's your name?"Knight

"Your better off not knowing my name... (Coughing heavily) To tell you the truth I don't think I will make it out of here( groaning in pain)" Female Teen Voice

"I'm sorry you feel that away, but please tell me you name." Knight

(Coughing lightly) My name is not important. If you want to call me something.... (Groaning in pain)... You can call me... Cassius" Cassius

"Cassius, that's a beautiful name I don't know why but that name makes my heart hurt." Knight

(Thinking to herself) So Jackie's curse worked on Knight. I will always love you. Please live a long life." Cassius

With her last breathe she released the forbidden curse on Knight. By giving her life to save his. Suddenly Knight begin to cry out in pain.

(Screaming out in pain in background) 


  • Jun 01, 2017

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