Hated Fandom Life Read Count : 129

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Self Help

Hated fandom life

What is it like being a Spirit Riding Free Fan?

In one word, I'd say “interesting". I never know what will come out of someone's mouth when I show some fandom appreciation.

Often times I post something right before going to bed so when I wake up I get to look forward to things I love. People's comments are my weakness. I love talking… Well, typing and being typed to. Whether it is a bucket of hate comments, or someone saying that I made their day, I love all comments. I believe we ALL have the right to our opinions.

Sometimes I decide to post some (what I believe to be) well made Spirit Riding Free fanart.

And I often get comments like “Spirit Riding Free is Garbage, the original was best.” Sometimes I get extreme hate (which I'm not going to type those words in sorry 😖) and they all end the same way… I, being some of the FEW who have actually seen the show, laugh out loud! Start to talk about why I enjoy it. [Stumps haters EVERY TIME😂]

I like SRF not because of the main characters, but because I feel like I personally connect with Junipero (a horse character). And the next response is… “Who is Junipero?” That line right there basically shows EVERYONE that the most you have seen out of the show is the cover they released a few months prior to the first release date.

Lots of fans like me enjoy the show because of more obscure characters, not because we like the main characters (Fortuna, Prudence, Abigail, Spirit, Chica Linda, or Boomerang.) We like characters like Turo, Junipero, Jim, Cora, Kate, Governor, Crow, Mixtli, Mericella, CLANCY! . Ect… So whenever we uncover a hater as a faker, you really don't hurt feelings. EVEN BY A LITTLE BIT. You just give us a good laugh at ignorance.😂😂😂

People who are willing to show their appreciation for the series are not weak minded and they most likely HAVE A REASON. It shows that they have guts. They are facing your ranting head on with something everyone else won't understand.

So unless you are ready with ACTUAL PROOF, SRF fans dont care that you're judging characters you dont even know EXIST. 

Are you part of an unliked fandom?


  • I love Spirit Riding Free!

    Jul 27, 2018

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