A Flaming Heart Read Count : 89

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

A flame is a miraculous thing

It brings warmth and comfort 

Safety and security 

From those unknown dangers 

Rather thats when everyone says

But it always fades in the end

Sometimes it can spread dangerously 

Through a whole forest in no time

Just full of destruction 

But it always burns out in the end

Any person can light it

By accident

Or even on purpose 

It can become out of control even 

But it always ends

Leaving horrible destruction in its wake

Burning and scorching everything

Oh, its just a horrible thing

So why does everyone say its so important?

That it is essential 

You think I'm talking about fire

But there you are terribly wrong 

The only thing this could really be...

Is love

Destroying the forest that is my heart 

Burning and scorching 

Bringing pain and heartache

But don't worry it always ends...

Leaving destruction in its wake


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