Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I am so excited, I got my family to agree to all go to Canada's Wonderland together! Usually my Brother and his Girlfriend will go out together, and my mother is always busy, so it's hard to get everyone together. And even still, my brother won't be coming along.
Well, he says he doesn't want to come because for a while now he's had an issue with his neck. Like the muscles or something? He's been going to a physician for it and stuff. So he says he wouldn't be able to go on any rides, so he doesn't want to waste any money going there just to walk around... (Which I wouldn't mind doing, if it were me!) We could all take turns not going on rides, and theres other thing to do to!.. Ugh, he just doesn't get it.
My brother and I have grown so far apart I think.. And it's not just this. We are 3 years apart, hes older. And we've always been together. We used to always play together as kids, and be into the same things! But as we grew up I noticed we had different interests. But I didn't think it would turn out like this... Now days, I find it kind of hard to even talk to him .. Which is weird! It shouldn't be hard. But he's so.. I don't know...
We had a fight a while back.. And I learned somethings that he thought about me. Not really bad but like, about my lifestyle and choices and stuff.. All of a sudden he was acting all self-rightcious, like he knew best and telling me how to live my life! When in all honesty. He has no right.. I mean he spent four years of his life in his bedroom playing videogames rather than going to highschool! So who is he to tell me what to do now? Just because he got a car and a job now..and he turned His life around.... But to me I know somethings are important. And un-avoidable. But I want to enjoy my life! I don't want to be miserable and make a lot of money and then at the end of my life wish I had just enjoyed it more. I don't want to work for some company that when I die nothing will change.. Nothing will matter, whether I made this unknown company a bunch of money or none, in the end! Money just circulates in the world, the center of all. But to me, it literally has NO Value!
And I can tell, he is different.. He used to watch anime and be inspired and have a heart.. And now.. He's cold. I know it.. He worries about money so much.. He yells at mom sometimes, which if our dad was alive he would never be allowed to do such a thing.
But I know if anything bad happend to me or I needed help in any way.. I know he would be there. I won't deny the truth. He is a good hearted person. I just think, he thinks he's grown up now. But I feel like he'll realize someday. Because we used to think alike. So that's what I'll hope for. I just hope it doesn't take 50 years to realize what's important in life. But I guess in the end of everything.
If he's happy, I'm happy.
I wish he could be happy for me too.
That's all for this time guys! Wish me luck at Wonderland! (So I don't get sick ><) And as always, feel free to leave your thoughts down below or let me know if you're having any problems with your siblings? I'd love to hear your words! So,
Til Next Time ^^
My mother got her wrist cast off on Friday! So she's had the weekend with no cast on. But she said it hurts alot :( and it's stiff from not moving for so long. So unfortunately she will have to do a little rehab.. Uhm, I forget what its called right now! I just call it therapy but she always corrects me. Anyways- My mother has been so strong and she is the strongest woman I honestly know. And I just want everyone to know that she is doing well and is going to pull through this!
Thank you everyone for listening ^^