Guilty For Love Read Count : 100

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

 Loving someone. Its as precious as can be. What if you turned on the news and appeared a court room on your screen? The judge had given a verdict of a death penalty. 

You do a little research and soon you find out, that this person was charged with loving  people, without a reasonable doubt. 

 So you put two and two together, and you come up with four, then confusion comes knocking at your minds door, and you try to make sense, asking yourself: Now what did the judge do that for? 

It seems a bit harsh, even insane, unfair and unjust could be some words we could name. You wonder to yourself, if there's anything you could do, and you go to find the judge is set on his verdict and he won't move. 

You feel helpless, confused, but a little at peace and in awe that someone would be willing to die at loves cost. 

Because, you see someone did, and unfair though it seems, Jesus paid the price for you and me. The blood of Jesus, is holy and pure and when you were washed in it every sin disappeared. 

So, be thankful, be glad, and always give praise to the one who wasnt guilty, got charged, put to death, but on the third day was raised. For He did it all for you.


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