BLUE SUMMER Read Count : 103

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Some people experience the summertime blues and other's? Not so much. Summer is supposed to be a fun for all because there is so much to do. That's when all the amusement parks are open, along with the water parks too. A time for family vacations, going to the beach, camping, swimming,  fishing, boating, bonfires and the list goes on. 

As a kid, Summer was always my favorite time of the year. There was always so much to do. One of my favorite past times was playing hide and go seek at night. Right before dark all of the kids in my neighborhood would meet at the playground. The way we played was backwards than the way most kids play. We had about fifteen kids who played and we all brought flashlights. Our neighborhood was safe and times were much different back then. One person hid and the rest had to look for that individual, also that person could run from spot to spot and hide in different places until they were caught. That is one of my greatest childhood memories ever. Nowadays you can't let your children out of your sight, day or night.

Even as an adult I always enjoyed summer because there is still so much to do. This summer, not so much. Eversince our family split up it's been everything but joyful. I know that things can be so much worse than they are, but how much worse can it possibly get when you can't spend it with your family? It sucks when I see my son for a few hours and then having to say good-bye. I missed out on so much it's not even funny. As a parent, I should be spending as much time as I can with him - taking him to amusement parks or going to firework displays and eating ice cream, along with the other summertime activities we once participated in as a family. Now, I'm lucky to spend an hour or two with my family, as a whole and that's why I define this Summer as a Blue Summer. I hate to sound this way but I really don't have much to be grateful for anymore. I'm grateful that my child is healthy and happy but other than that, I don't care anymore and I'm doubtful that I ever will. 💔


  • Jul 22, 2018

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