I Took A Sleeping Pill.
Read Count : 138
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
So I took a sleeping pill. For hour I lay awake staring at the ceiling, Thinking of what I've said, done and how things could have been. Thinking of tomorrow, and how it might be different, And I lie awake because I don't know if I'm brave enough for it. I lie awake thinking until my head starts to hurt From imagining a world I'm whole and not broke. I see this world and it's so crystal clear, But only when I'm lying awake trying to disappear. And so a took a sleeping pill. I took a sleeping pill. And pray to sleep, because in sleep I might dream. But actually who wants to dream When the images seen are like that of a birds broken wings? The bird tries to keep moving but the pain holds it hostage And my wings, just like that birds, no longer flutter. But rather I analyse all the little things in my head And I tell myself I won't look any stronger if I'm both asleep and dead. So I took a sleeping pill.