Breaking Free Read Count : 146

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I thought ride or die meant us

I thought all the time without you changed you

I thought I knew who you were

I thought the hurt was gone forever 

I thought we were your everything 

I thought you loved our family 

But I thought which was my biggest mistake 

I hoped everything you said was true

But in the end all it was, was jail talk and lies about you

The cyber bullying was unnecessary and showed me what I was too blind to see

The only one wanting our family was me

A family is about working together 

Not about survival of the fittest 

I stuck by for a lot

But, it's clear  all the pain will never be forgot

You betrayed me with all the lies

So it's kewl to plan falsely accusing me of rape

But if that's the case then you shouldn't have been such a snake

Your actions speak of who you are

A manipulative and heartless being

That our children and I no longer have a desire to keep seeing

You hoped our child died in the womb

But he didn't and instead showed me how to live

Living is about not taking anything for granted

Not how many things you do only for yourself 

You can't lie to me anymore

I have no desire to reopen that door 

For our children don't deserve this game you like to play

All it's doing is withering us away

Until your medicated and realize what matters most

Kindly remain a distant ghost 

Your betrayal this last time

Was enough to see you aren't ready for a family 

This is so long for now 

Hunter says goodnight with a wow

Wow, daddy you said all that horrible stuff about mommy

Shes took care of me alone

No thanks to your actions that's all you have shown

She told me you would teach me how to be kind 

But instead just how to control the mind

Get right before it's to late 

I'll always be your first mate

We loved you more then anyone has

We always will

But for now time is what's best

Before the last chance at our family comes to a dead rest


  • I hope this is just a creative poem. But if not, my condolences. Betrayal is a bitch.

    Jul 22, 2018

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