Happiness? Pt.5 Read Count : 149

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

I borrowed Sophia's money and buy her some panic pills, I come to her house and gave her the panic pills" thank you lily,by the way sorry I waked you up so late...." "it's okay,see ya" "bye lily!". I walked back home and went to sleep I had a nightmare a man with a long nose and a black hat and a black coat was looking at me,I coudlnt move and he came closer and said" happiness? You say?" I waked up immediately in the morning and everything was just a dream but there was one thing I missed in that dream...but it was something from reality,I got up for school sophia.I keep thinking about the thing I was missing and I finally cracked the case!it was my church necklace......to be continued..... (GUYS IT'S ALMOST THE END OF HAPPINESS! 3 more episodes to go and happiness is gone!)


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