What If Read Count : 149

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
What if uu

Poetic_Thought  "spoken words"

What if I told you am not a poet 
But my thoughts project poetically
And I feel amazing like am 
Baptized in words.

What if I told you that my words 
Touch hearts and minds and 
Kiss the souls of readers online
But on the streets, my streets poetic words
are like garbage under feet, obsolete

What if I told you that we 
Poets are hero's 
We are the voice for the voiceless
We are the sights for the blind 
And for the deaf we are the sweet glorious
Sounds of the angles of heaven.

What if I told you that 
Poetic thought's project into words 
Is just what we need in those times when 
We feel defeated, but when words speaks
Its the guiding light all persons need 
To feed to find self in dark times. 

What if I told you that writing saved 
Me. My main vain has been breached
But not for testing HIV or STD's.
I dont eat cake but powderd white icing
Constantly I took to enhance  brain 
Activity for flying high on the clouds 
Even though am still walking on the ground

What if I told you that poets minds are
Wonderful, adventurous and hurtful

What if I told you that poets words 
Are like blankets that will keep you warm 
In the cold and our words will hold
You close when alone and they will stay with
As long as you want them to. 

What if I told that poets 
Bring people together. Poems 
Will make you travel back in time 
And travel into the future and even will let 
You sip white wine with the divine.

What if I told you each time that I write 
I feel like its the rebirth of my mind 
And each time I read your lines 
Tears come to my eyes and am blessed 

I will tell you I will never stop writing

© copyright
Romaine Davy


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