The Girl Read Count : 121

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance

This is my love story and it all started on my first day of high school. I walked the halls looking for a familliar face. Yet there was no one. By the time i walked to class i look around and there she was. Leaning against her locker. Her smile. Her hair. She looked so perfect standing there. Before she walked off she gave ma smile. I swear i felt my heart skip a beat. 

I had no idea what was going on at first. 

I went into my class and i couldnt stop thinking about her. I knew i had to see her again. 

It was when i was walking home i laid my eyes on her once again. She was sat down on a bench in the park right outside of my school. I went and sat next to her. Her names Jade so brushed her delicate soft blonde hair behind her ears. We began talking for ten minutes. 

That night we text for hours till i fell asleep. She made me so happy and i think im falling for her. Now i didnt know how i could tell her withought scaring her off. 

The next day we spent the whole school day together and she invited me over for the night and asked me to go to the fair with her the day after. I loved spending time with her. She made me unbelievalbly happy.  

Months went by and jade sent me a really long message it read:

I dont mean to frighten you or anything and i hope that we can still be friends after i tell you this. But i think ive caught strong feelings for you. Im sorry if you think im weird. But i thought that maybe you feel the same? I dont know though and just tell me how you feel and if you feel the same then thats great but if not thats fine too... We can still be friends.

Just reading that message made me smile and i replied to her: 

Jade, im so glad that we feel the same way and ive liked you ever since the first moment that i saw you in the hall. 

A week after we started dating. But when people found out we got bullied and called many names. But not everyone had a problem with it. None of my friends or hers minded so its not like we had no friends. We walked threw the halls looking at eachother whilst everyone else did the same thing. And because i didnt want everyone to think that i cared. I grabbed her hand and held on tight. She looked at me with her beautiful smile and we walked past them all. That was by far the most brave thing that ive ever done but i dont regret it. 

From that day ive lost her but ilo never stop loving her and ill always think about her and im still in love with her.


  • goes to show dreams come true

    Jul 21, 2018

  • Jul 21, 2018

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