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Sub Category : Motivation
Boss Baby review.
Oh, jeez...
To sum it up, “that's an hour and thirty seven minutes I'm NEVER getting back.” Well I guess if you really want to know what I think of it…
It was cute, had some little funny jokes that are really only overused ‘potty jokes’, and a tiny bit of adult humor. It wasn't “great" but it wasn't “awful” either. It is obviously aimed towards younger audiences. 8 and under maybe.
The plot basically circles around a kid named Tim, who is probably about 8 years old… (turns out he's supposed to be 7). Who has spent his only child life, being loved by his parents, having an active imagination, and just living the life. In case you've ever wondered… BABIES COME FROM TAXIS.
So then conflict arrives in Tims family when the Boss Baby comes into the family and starts taking the attention. Normal feelings i assume for older siblings to experience. And the Boss Baby has a Mission… A guy is planning to reveal an immortal panda *cough*... I mean puppy, that LOOKS like a panda, that is supposedly going to make people want puppies more than babies.
Another movie to make parents look like they are stupid idiots and don't know how to raise a family despite doing it previously… (with Tim)...........
I just had a bit of a problem with the character Eugene Francis. Just a maniac with no point than to give the movie that extra childish kick. Stupid, clumsy, ****, whatever to make me roll my eyes in back of my head as far as they can go… For short. An awful character. In my opinion, not very put together well.
Like I previously stated with my first movie review, I enjoy crying a little during a movie. The boss baby, even if I told myself TO CRY. I don't think that can be accomplished. But that aside. Semi-funny, cute moments that us why I'm giving this a 45/100. It did lack from my common movie expectations. These reviews are MY OPINIONS. Just because I like/dislike something shouldn't keep you from your own standpoints.