Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : History
Throughout the world there is many cases of many mysterious creatures these cases are over looked and misleaded,
There is creatures in the world we have not encountered yet which people don't believe others but the cold hearted fact is there is creatures in this world to discover it wasn't to long ago a jellyfish was one of these creatures before the discovery.
Many things we do not know of our own world yet all these people think theories is more believable than newly discovered things. Not many peope seem to understand we could discover much more about our world if people could stop claiming theory is fact ok to simply put if I told you that the world was dying that would be my theory that does not make it fact.
Honestly the world is all based on theory and speculations once a actual discovery is first found it is criticized by these theorists and speculators.
What the symbols on the pyramids mean is not actually what the decipher was theoretically deciphered by somebody that had a theory of each symbol yet the symbols are still unknown.
Just like the evolution of our origin many theories yet still unknown. Let me end this with my next lines.
If your a christion you believe the Bible and the Bible is still written by a man of his theory of history and origin of humankind, pyramids built by simple tools was a theory back in 90s and we still can't replicate this even with our technology today.
Does that technically mean that aliens built it? Could Alantis be the builders of it? Simple tools could not do it with out technology we still don't have so mysterious creatures is not theory they are fact in this world, many theorise things and truth is we know more about outter space than our own world due to only speculational theorising.
Only a matter of time before discoveries are documentedly proven with actually proof.
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