Dear Bitch! Read Count : 115

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

No one knows who you really are,  and where you came from.  I believe no one to this day  understands your existence. I do know that  when I was a little girl  I heard many stories of you,  some were scary, some were sad, and the rest were just evil.  I remember saying to myself I never, ever want to meet her.  I do know that I was OK knowing  that I would only meet you  after like my mid 50s. Wrong! You just pushed your way into my life way to soon,  you made your presence well known and did not give me a chance  to slowly adjust to your crazy, weird, hot, angry, way of being. To be continued 


  • omg

    Jul 18, 2018

  • .

    Jul 19, 2018

  • me

    Jul 23, 2018

  • Aug 01, 2018

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