Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
Jinn and Landa strolled into the Slow Burn. The has-been bar collected the low lives of the city. The rank smell of cheap beer and stale cigarettes assaulted their senses. Jinn glanced down at his attire of a shimmering gray dress jacket and matching slacks. He sighed.
"It seems I am overdressed for our outing."
Landa rolled her eyes. Dressed in her normal trench leather jacket adorned with spikes and tore-up blue jeans.
Turning to the god, she said, "Dude, I told you that getup was over-the-top."
Pulling out a cig, she scoffed as she put it in her mouth. "But as usual, you have to feed your damn ego."
She was about to go on when Jinn raised his hand to silence her. He spoke into her mind. "He's here."
Raising her eyebrow, she replied into his mind, "Who's here?"
He stared down at Landa's confused face. He spoke into her mind again. "Chae"
Her eyes widened. Her eyes followed his.
There he was. Wearing a white wife beater and blue jeans, Jinn's equal was sitting in the far corner booth talking up a male redhead.
"You would think that if he was going to try to kill you, he would be more proactive about it instead of hitting the slum joints for his next hookup."
Jinn slightly chuckled. "Some of us are more needy than others."
She followed his over to Chae's booth. The redhead was dressed in a purple dress shirt that has seen better days, a full unkempt beard and empty eyes staring into the bottom of his dirty glass.
Chae gave a big smile at Jinn. "Well. I never thought I would see you in a dismal place like this. What brings you to the underbelly of New York?"
Chae glanced down at the man sitting across from him. "Jared, I would like you meet my idol and his new pet."
Landa glared at him, her hand filling with fire. Jinn put his hand on her flamed hand. "Now is not the time. You are not ready. Do not let his words start a war."
She grunted. The flames died down. Jinn chuckled "Did we interrupt your date?"
Chae stood up. He put out his arm, inviting Jared to stand up too. "Actually, I am recruiting. He has decided to join me."
Jinn shot a cold look at his foe. "You dare to bestow powers on mortals?"
Landa eyed the powerful men as they stared each other down. "What power?"
Without breaking eye contact, Jin replied, "Our kind have the ability to enhance humans."
Chae pretended to pout. "Well, You have your puppet. Why look down on me if you are doing the same?"
Landa stepped towards him. "Jinn didn’t give me shit."
Chae gave her the once over. He tilted his head to the side and ogled her. The grin he wore was unsettling." A demigod?" He walked up to her. She could smell his sent. It was different than Jinn's. It made her uneasy. Jinn stepped between them.
Chae stepped back. "It seems you get all the luck."
Jinn's eyes glowed with rage. "I will kill him before you corrupt him."
Chae laughed. "Why do you care about these creatures now? You did come here to conquer and rule. Did that goal change?" He instantly glanced at her.
Jinn changed the subject. "Let him go."
Chae put his hand on Jared's shoulder. "No."
The next moment, they were gone.
Landa looked over at the god. She has never seen so much rage displayed on a face as she did on his.. "What's going to happen to dude?"
Jinn narrowed his eyes. "When our kind gives powers to mortals, the mortals change physically. they turn into mindless beast. They are impossible to control. They were the main reason for The Purge. We killed your kind because it was decided than anything that had any human DNA should not have our abilities"
She put her hand on Jinn's arm. "So he is going to make an army of them?"
Jinn nodded. "Unfortunately. Be thankful you are naturally half. When humans are given powers by us, they usually go insane."
She hung her head. Then instantly raised her head and held up her fist. "We can’t let him do that. I know you have issues with my kind and think they are beneath you, but they are my people and I'll be damned if I’m going to let him destroy them so he can use them to defeat you."
Jinn faced her. "If I do this. If I stop him to save your kind and not go on with my plans to rule, just know, I do this not for them, but..."
Still fumed, she barked, "But for who?"
Jinn put his hand over her fist and lifted his other hand and laid it on her cheek. " It would be for you."
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