The Game Inside Read Count : 61

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Months, she thought it's been months since I've been even spoken too kindly. Looking through meaningless things on the internet her mind began to wonder. 

"What if I didn't have to just settle for people I can be physically?"

"Why can't I be someone amazing?"

Online gaming was something the girl was very familiar with but she had really never made any friends playing any of her regular games. 

"I need somewhere to create a new me, someone strong and popular. Someone able to control everything with ease."

Scrolling.. scrolling more.. scrolling.. this needed to be perfect, the characters needed to be perfect able to replicate who she imagined. Whenever a RPG game came up beautiful scenery and the ability to create such details.

Leveling up was easy, quickly getting to the level cap and starting her "perfect" guild. With all the work done all she needed was People to guide, always she imagined helping everyone being a resource they trusted an relied on. So of course someone as herself found only the most messed up people.

From guys that put on a funny exterior that really had piles of trauma. To guys who were literal nut jobs who'd soon break this habit of hers. Even girls whom would earn her trust even though they'd make many mistakes in life she'd have to watch. 

Everyday for hours the girl would play level up her guild. She would be happy the friends she made would soon grow past just the game. So they would spend hours all together Skyping and playing the game and even other ones.

No one knew the face of the girls other than her voice an joke of "magical fingers" 

She helped many people on that game, her friends list was full of people who'd talk to her like.. She was someone

The guild was happy even had romances, fights and some even left. But in the end the first 7 would stay and joyfully talk in the guildhall. They all thought she was someone who was smart that could get things done. She knew everything about the game and went to far lengths to help everyone. 

But really she was nobody.

"Finally.. I'm happy."

But all the lying about how she was, who she was, everything about her life took part of her. She had already lied all her life, why would it impact her now? Because these people actually loved her like only one had even slightly done before. 

She kept taking it further and further, whenever something no, someone grew. She had forgotten about her but soon enough it would be controlling everything she did. 

It killed him.

It put her in an ever growing hole.

It made her lose her mind.

And now made her lose more people then she could imagine.

Quick msg-

This is written quickly without any Grammer check and put simply it's one thought so sorry.


  • Jul 16, 2018

  • Jul 16, 2018

  • Jul 16, 2018

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