BACK AGAIN! Read Count : 114

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Self Help

I was away from the app for some days. My exams were going on. So it was not possible for me to be on the app for much time.

So, I am back again because my exams are over. Well they don't gone well. Maths exam was too bad. Too simple questions but I had not seen a question very well. So my 6 marks are cut. I am very unhappy. But I got 40 out of 40 in two subjects (science and Hindi). So I am a little satisfied. I have not told mom about my bad exam....... 

I think she will lock me for days od she knew about it.. should I tell her the time when I will get my marks or today??


  • Chicka Doodle

    Chicka Doodle

    you should probably tell her today.. because if you don't tell her for a while, she will probably be more mad at you.

    Jul 15, 2018

  • Congratulations on Science and Hindi. Trust me for my Math STARR test, I only saw one simple problem. I don't even know what my grades were but I say I'd had an okay year. What I recommend is that you tell your mom the day of when you receive your grade for math. It's always best to get it over with. Otherwise, you'll be feeling anxious for awhile or if that's just me feeling that way when I hide something especially my grades from my mom. If you tell her now she won't start asking what you got on your math exam. Sometimes she'll find out another way. You just never know. It's every mom's superpower.🤗🤗🤗🤗 And welcome back, Sneha!

    Jul 15, 2018

  • Jul 21, 2018

  • Well, how'd your exams go?

    Jul 22, 2018

  • Louise Cassee

    Louise Cassee

    Well, why are you askinf everyone else? We aren't your slaves

    Aug 01, 2018

  • congratulations. tell her today. anyways i am good in maths. i am probably asking u to work harder next time. sorry to ask what do u want to be in future, i mean ur future ambition

    Aug 11, 2018

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