Your Destiny Is Calling You Read Count : 117

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult

I came to give you great joy.Many people take life for granted.I'm here to  help you build your dreams.You should never let anybody kill your dreams.

God created Everbody to be different on Earth.You can win with a good attuide.You can choose to lose daily.

You have to keep yourself very motivated.Don't allow to people to always be in your ear.Many people are not for you.

They don't want to see you happy.When I say reach for your destiny,please reach high.The sky have no limit.You can become the greatest person on Earth.If you scribe to make a change in your life.

Many people you have to cut out your life.If you want to become very successful.You need to start having faith in yourself.You are your best friend.

Nobody knows you better then yourself.I have heard all kind of criticism about me.I realize people can't judge me.They don't have a Heaven or Hell to put me in .

You should want your destiny to be filled with joy.The best way to have a great destiny is to accept Jesus as your savior.

Don't worry about your friends.You will find out,that a friend will walk off and leave you.Jesus will always be there for you.

I learn to give Jesus credit.He created you for a special purpose on Earth.Weeping may endure for night but joy comes in the morning.If you keep on living watch Jesus be your Co-pilot.

I have struggle all my life.I learn to trust in Jesus.People will wound your heart.They pretend to care about you

They really don't mean you any good.They just want to be in your business.What are you waiting on,you should be running to your destiny.Have your goals high as the sky.

Even though life break you down. Just  dust it off and get back up again.You was born to be a winner.

Your destiny is speaking to you.Will you accept the challenge from Jesus.Are you ready to be born again.

Jesus promise not to put to much on you then you can bare.That mean to fall down on your knees and seek Jesus ever day.

Your destiny want be easy to reach daily.You have to put in good work for Jesus.He is the way maker of life.Keep a smile in your face.

Dry your weeping eyes.Your destiny is near.ll Will you accept Jesus as your savior?I'm ready to reach my destiny.I'm ready to have blessings run over.

My friends think I'm crazy.They will be shock,I already know Jesus plan for my life.I'm here to encourage you on Earth.

My reward will be a crown in Heaven.I'm not perfect.I scribe to keep pushing through my storms.Jesus got my name on my blessings.Keep reaching for your destiny.


  • Jul 15, 2018

  • Jul 15, 2018

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