My New Power. Chapter 13 Read Count : 132

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Sorry I haven't been able to post Chapter 13 of my new power recently. A lot has been happening at my school and home but I am back. I'm going to start doing stuff a little bit differently with my new power. Now there will be personality switches where you'll be seeing another character's point of view. I hope you all enjoy and lets get right into it

(Personality switch, "Bryon")                             
I saw Jack suddenly collapse to the ground. "Jack are you okay, Jack, oh not again." I tried to wake Jack up by shaking him a bit and saying his name but he did not want to wake up. All of a sudden, Jack starting getting up but not like normal. "Jack, I'm so glad you're​ okay," but when I looked in his eyes they were glowing, dark red his skin turning a little pale. "Jack is not here anymore!", said Jack "Jack what happened? What's wrong? Oh no, the powers taken over him, Jack you have to listen to me, snap out of it, this isn't you." "This is not Jack anymore this is his potential, Jack is weak. I am his power and his essence". Out of no where Jack ,or what was his power, shot a ball of fire towards me. I dodged it but he kept throwing fire ball after fire ball at me. I knew the only way for Jack to regain himself was for me to knock him out. I charged at Jack, I ducked from one of his blasts and kept charging. I summoned my earth rune and summoned two rocks up from the ground and sent them towards Jack. Jack used his power to destroy 1 of the rocks before it could reach him but left the other one to hit him. The rock hit him right in the stomach and knocked him unconsious. "Jack, Jack. Jack, wake up."

My New Power Chapter 13 hope you all enjoyed and hope you Rate, Comment, and Share and a reminder im still  accepting 1 more! Person to join my writing crew and for more information chat with me, see you next time!.


  • Jun 07, 2017

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