Remebering Today Read Count : 128

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Twelve years ago today, you told me I was gonna go stay with my daddy for a little bit. You had me bring all of my stuffed animals, all my toys and clothes with. You told me you would be back, but never did you show. I'm still suffering from 12 years ago. 

You were gone for about a month, well a little less than that. Showed up for my 4th birthday party and was gone a while after that. I never understood what was going on, I was just so young. And all I could think was that you didn't love me. You dropped me off in a joke, not much better than yours.. I went through hell and back, alone.. fighting every war. 

You'd call and say you were coming to get me, only to never show.. never kept your promises and that broke me you know. You abandoned me at only 3 years old, came in and out as you pleased. Only caring about yourself, then you have birth to my 3 siblings, only to let them go.. 12 years ago today you left me broken and alone, to this day I still suffer.. the pain you caused me, is a non-describable, pain that you'll never know.


  • im so sorry

    Jun 23, 2018

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