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Face Mask
One egg, ground sage, a little bit of cinnamon,, vegetable oil, olive oil, water, and baby powder(for soft skin)
Put all these ingredients in a bowl and mix well
Next take spoon and apply it to your face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
Then wash your face as you normally would. And then use a makeup wipe just away all of the rest of it away.
When I use makeup wipes or any type of wipes to clean off my face I use Noxzema Ultimate clear anti blemish pads clears and prevent breakouts for smooth clear skin.
Then after use Aquaphor healing ointment advanced therapy for a soft face.
And when you are doing this before you put the Aquaphor on your face you want to put hydrogen peroxide on your face to make sure your face is fully clean. Tell me what you think have a good day and try using it.
-Summer Morgan