Past Read Count : 143

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance

 chapter two: past

Out of everybody in Japan a boy with a sword just had to find me, I glance at his sword and he follows my gaze.  "OH this thing, don't worry,  unless your an enemy I won't use it on you."  I sigh in relief but still two problems stand one  where the hell am I and two, my poor poor clothes there stained with blood. "come with me I'll bring you somewhere so you can clean up." I heasently nod  and follow him. As we walk down the streets I relise everything looks so different, the houses, people on the street, clothing, and just like this man that is helping me almost every man has a sword. I feel extremely awkward because I'm the only girl that's not wearing a kimono and I have blood on my shorts, also on top of that everyones staring at me. We finally made it to a medium sized building,  we went inside and the man brought me to a room and told me to change.  He waited  out in the hallway While I Was changing. After I finished changing I opened the sliding door so this man could come in, as soon as he came in he said "first let's start off with introductions I'm Hugh Reiu, and you?"  Hugh Reiu huh definitely not a common name but I should introduce myself  "Hello Mr. Reiu I'm Monica Lee nice to meet you."  he stares at me for a moment "okay Monica where are you from cuz your sure not from here. "   "Im from Tokyo."  he gave me a strange look "T- Tokyo? Never heard of the place."  never heard of the place?  " This is Japan right?"  he nods. Okay so how dose he not know what Tokyo is?  " Let me some of you belongings in that thing you got there."  I follow his gaze he's looking at my duffel bag, I reach out to grab the things he can see but he gets to it before I can. He dumps everything I have on the ground, this is so embarrassing  he looks at everything but he saves the panties that I packed just in case he saw the blood stained panties that I had to change out of and he saw my pads! He asks what they were for what do I say, what do I do? "umm well you see these p-pad things are f-f-for umm injuries yeah that's right and those are for sweat along with that towel over there!"  I hope he believes me " I see I see very very interesting. Oh yeah I've come to a conclusion I think your from the future."  The future huh? I couldn't help but laugh " the future  hahahaha c-comon you gotta be kidding me right?" he shighs " think about it you have things I've never seen or heard of before, an this Tokyo place never heard of it and you clothes are so strange, another thing how did you just end up here?"  He has a point, did I really go to the past? 


  • Yay samurai and the past Japan

    Jun 23, 2018

  • Dec 12, 2018

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