A Quarter Of A Century.
Read Count : 140
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Age is just a number?Yeah I thought so too, 25 is here and I knew it was 27 when I would reach my everlasting slumber.Now I must remember, “what exactly is it that I want people to remember me by forever?”Our time here is short, no matter the years we spent breathing in one place, it’s our actions and words that will forever be remembered.I am just trying to voice out these words to paint you all a picture to see exactly what I see. I write these words down to make this vision permanently seen.I made it to 25, a quarter of a century.25 years I have been living and most of those years I’ve spent writing.All the time I have spent writing may seem to be a waste of time to some but through all of this writing that I have done life has finally had meaning.A quarter of a century I have been breathing.In another quarter of a century i hope to still be living, writing.When I meet that inevitable new beginning whenever that may be I know the words I had written and shared will be a living memory of me.Signed,ThoseMeaningfulWords.