Stand Together Read Count : 116

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Hearts are breaking,

the world is shaking.

There's fear and pain, 

sadness and disdain.

The devil smiling at the work that he's done,

We are scared and worried for our daughters and for our sons.

Is this how we want our kids to see the world, full of anger and full of strife?

Why are we letting the devil control how we live our life?

Racism, power, and justification is what everyone is making it about,

and no one can speak up because of the endless, hateful shouts.

Lives are being lost and the days are growing gray,

ridiculed and harassed for the things that we say.

We all just want to be understood and respected,

why must we hate when we should all stay connected?

What it should be about is mending this great divide,

the divide that is keeping so many of us hurt inside.

A divide that was created by the very evil that started this in the first place,

that same dark evil that fell from heaven's grace.

No one can help the color of their skin or the ground where their house was built,

But I would much rather remember my life for the love that I had rather than for the guilt.

I'm truly sorry to everyone who is hurting and who are filled with fear,

the scars that have been left behind brings a lot of us to tears.

But enough with the racism and enough with the hate!

The devil and his wicked works don't have to decide our own fate!

We all have hearts and they all beat the same,

we all have a dream and we all have a name.

We all have emotions and we all shed tears,

we all want to see change in the upcoming years.

We all want love and we all want peace,

we aren't all that different so why can't this war just cease?!

So many of us are so busy being focused on the problem that we forget about the resolution,

why don't we all figure out how to stitch this world back together instead of starting a race revolution.

It shouldn't be about race or justification ,

it should be about unity and reparations.

The media is a playhouse for the evil that is happening all around you and me,

why can't we walk away from it and just stand together in unity.

It only takes one voice to set the example and to take a stand,

instead of taking the cruelty can we just take each others hand?

How much better would this world be,

if we could all just set ourselves free.


  • Jun 20, 2018

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