Courage Read Count : 141

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

I'm pacing, waiting for you. Why aren't you here yet? I need to you to come. Please, I'm nervous. I need you Courage. With out you my heart races, my plans sweat. Courage, where are you? It's almost my time to go out there. Everyone tells me to have Courage. And I did, but I lost you. This is an important chapter in my story, and I can't be figeting. You where there for all the other moments of my life.

Oh my god! The music started, the church doors are opening! Courage, please! Then I see him, my Love. And, then Courage you return. As I walk down the isle, my father next to me, I have Courage. I take a deep breath, I'm alright. All thanks to Courage.


  • Jun 19, 2018

  • Jun 20, 2018

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