Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
The only reason Lying Fake President is able to keep his Republican Congressional leadership in step with his outrageous agenda is that they fear being primaried out of office by even more extreme right wing assholes. Part one of the problem is not having term limits. These guys want to stay in office for 30 years! They will do ANYTHING Lying Fake President wants to keep him from tweeting against them. If they were 2 and done, they would stand-up against him. Part 2 is gerrymandered voting districts. Both parties do this, neither can be trusted to do the right thing. District lines should be decided by an equal number of reps from both parties, not just the party controlling the State legislature. There should be strong rules and standards to eliminate ink blot district geographies. We can make this happen if we demand that our reps commit to it to get our vote. We need to stop the tribal political gamesmanship and get our House of Representatives functioning for the good of America, not a Lying Fake President.