Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
My life is perfect. I live with both parents, both brothers, but there are still those times - those blank times. I just don't know my place in life. I don't know who's there for me, I feel empty somehow. I sometimes just sit for a couple minutes, hours even, not knowing what to do, thinking, making everything worse. Sometimes, i sit in my bed, crying, for hours, half hoping someone would come in and comfort me, somehow. For nearly two years I've been dealing with these moments, and I feel weak, Im complaining about my life when it's so perfect - but I need to talk about it somehow. I don't know how to explain my feelings, and the only thing I can come up with is sadness. I keep these things secret from my parents - Im always about to tell them, but I dont. "Mom-" I would say. Then when she would ask what, I would say, "nothing." And she would laugh. I try to laugh, but I sometimes can't. These feelings aren't all the time, but they're getting frequent, and I don't know what to do. I will spend months at a time, one time over half a year, like this.
This story is true... a bit of my life. I was facing sadness. I was sad. I was lonely. But I figured out how to deal with this. My parents never knew, nobody knew but me. I controlled it, now I only have those feelings ocasionally. I thought of visiting a counseler at school. I thought of telling my parents. But I never did, and I regret it. If you have a problem like this, maybe not sadness, but something alike, you should tell somebody you love or trust, because they can help you a lot.