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Sub Category : World
Hello US based members of the Writer's Outlet community. Happy Independence Day.
Our country, like any other country has its flaws but she is still great. This day is to celebrate the idea of America, still a work in progress no doubt but also a place I am proud to call home. We are home to so many amazing people and places and have a short but rich history.
242 years ago (give or take a day, the Declaration of Independence was actually ratified on July 2nd) the USA was born out of a desire to have a say in government and a religious freedom. After a long war with England ended in 1781, the USA finally was a new country. Over the next 242 years, we have seen many changes, become overgrown, been attacked twice, gone through a depression and multiple recessions and yet, despite all of this the USA is still a beacon of hope for many. Things are not always good and right now, we are going through some trying times but as always, America will shine through.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th.