A Wolf's Life "Part 8: Part 1/4" Read Count : 37

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

                            Chapter I

     The next day we spent the entire morning trying to find a way out of the cave. It took a long time but eventually we made it out through a small crack in the rocks. Once we all went out of the cave me and Luna kept looking at each other knowing what we said to each other the last night. Luke decided that we meet up at the river so we know where we exited, but when we where in the area of the river but we saw no river. 

     "Great... This is just great" said Luke, "Not only does Luna decide to fall into a cave but we are lost!". I immediately snapped at Luke, "Hey shut it about Luna! It's not her fault for falling!". "Hehe, what are you going to do about it pup? I've been trained by a very skilled and powerful leader. Hey since you killed him I think I should do the same to you....", Luke told me. I knew I couldn't fight him because that would risk us loosing someone who knew this forest, so I kept my mouth shut. "Luke stop this" Snow said. "Oh shut it" Luke said. Soon he walked over to me and rasied his paw and slashed my face. "OW!" I screamed. I stumbled back holding my face feeling blood roll down it. "Why did you do that Luke!" Luna and Snow yelled. "To teach him not to underestimate my authority" Luke said. He chuckled with a laugh and continued walking. 



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