Cabin Boy
Read Count : 228
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Devin Nunes, R-CA Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and self recused chair of the Committee's Russian investigation seems determined to go down in history as the biggest fall guy in this entire treasonous mess. He has now authorized subpoenas on three former Obama administration members to see if they unmasked people caught up in our Russian intelligence probe. This is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to take eyes off the collusion probe. Nice try, Nunes, but it won't work. Fake President's days in office are numbered and so are yours. You will undoubtedly become a historically infamous footnote in this sordid affair. My hope is that your name becomes synonymous with the hypocrisy and corruption of this administration. Your sole purpose of being is to do the bidding of Fake President, to the detriment of our nation's best interests. Damn you!
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