Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Science
Meta as the suffix, Math as the system, Ab the DNA, systematically time and the scribe.
The English language and connection to elementallike, era of the alphabet.
Communication and sign, symbol, and numbers.
4.) *THE AXIS, AXIOM, AXON, ABAXIAL, ABDAXIAL. Earth π on its axis, The alive axiom and axon breathless , ABAXIAL facing and ABDAXIAL facing away cell.
The Human body and it's composition and structure.
The Composition of the humanity alphabet, interpolation, meanings, Alphanumeric's, etc..
The Elements and their science.
8.) *METAMATHMATICS MATHING SYSTEM, ELEMENTS, AND ASSESSMENT OF NOUNS. The system, it's use, the equivalent, matters
9.) *ECO FRIENDLY ASSESSMENT AND APPLICATION(S.) Names, numbers, DOB, Colors. Co, Connection, significant other, relationships, etc..
The diversity of all communication of religion, spiritually, physically and mentally exhausted by supernatural reality and experiences.
Written (Memoir/(Hypo)thesis) by, created:
Mr. Jamon Dixie Sr.π€.
The concept of this text and this book is to get people aware of The sciences energy and elements and how science to prevent anything from being a real threat to human nature, and whenever we use elements correctly, we benefit in life profoundly, and whenever we misuse element, the result is destructive and catastrophic.*
The meta concept is for the purpose of shaping things with element, instead of letting things of element shape things for us, because an element can only be dangerous to human nature if you allow it to be dangerous to human nature, so let's get going on this journey, as the meta concept confronts it users to become better in person, and in life by assisting in evolution, from exercising observation of science and technology through elements. The π challenge is to just take a look at elements and how they may be connected to you, in what ways that they may be connected to you, and identify the alphanumeric ECO code of your desire, assessing mathematically any desired person, place, or thing.
First take a look at the time periodical table of elements, the common system on energy and the elements that maintains life. Assess a meta number with common math and a common sense system that naturally spells Man, Woman, Domain, DNA, and Nano, at the Center of its concept, a Humanity Alphabet.
Here today you as a reader are challenged and confronted to use the concept to gain the truth in life through numbers, and gain alphanumeric identity not identified today as you live life, but that you already systematically use, which gives others influential power over our lives through capitalism, socialism, politicalism, and communism, and all other forms of restraint that shapes fate clearly as maths are all things in life, and the dialect, the sign, the symbol and the number 0123456789 π’ is the prime forum of all communications completing mathematics, the Avenue to cure problems of elemental factors.
The Meta concept created by: Jamon Dixie-is designed for its users to define for preventives, health, wealths and finances, wellness, and any subject in life, thereby connecting to the noun or proverb entitled and the category element(s) simultaneously, as that is evolution already, because as technology increases information, resources, utility is at a broader audience, position, and politic, moving life forward.
The concept is designed from alphabet's, number's, creating a common alphanumeric assessment for maths and dialect, to define the noun or proverb -The person place or thing. The concept is designed to to apply Masculine and Feminine mathing, numbered in a chronological order, while having a world application as it subdivides the English alphabet in half, while maintaining a individual inner alphabet for masculinity, and feminity. Meaning, both subdivision have a inner alphabet from a to z, with alphanumeric numbers for infinitudes and individuality for prime principle application and assessment.
The Humanity Alphabet is constructed as follows: Masculine gender are the letters A-M, classified as humanity alphabets, and they evenly have a inner alphabet within from a-z, with Alphanumeric's that evenly apply numbers to the letters.
The Humanity Alphabet is constructed as follows: Feminine gender are the letters A-M, classified as humanity alphabets, and they evenly have a inner alphabet within from a-z, with Alphanumeric's that evenly apply numbers to the letters.
It applies common math, and alphabets used in the application of the numbers themselves being mathed, and the common transverse of how alphabets and numbers are currently used.
In languages and math, A=1 as equivalents as a real example sets the origin for the METAMATHMATICS concept and application. The Meta concept is then applied, it's equivalent is then transversed into the element of its association from the time periodic table of elements, and the element learned translated from common meaning to science meaning. Example: as A is equal to the number 1-one, it is also equal to the number one element from the time periodic table of elements, which is 1 is- equal to the first element of 1= Hydrogen.
The overall concept is to apply a Metamathmatic assessment to all the Sciences, while observing Dmitri Mendeleev the science author of the time periodic table, and Albert Einstein, the author and creator of the Formula E equals MC square, the theory of relativity, energy X mass= the speed of light-constance. Our time is calculated by the characters in Rome, by the Atomic clock which has never loses time periodically each * erroring 1 second in 100 million years, atomic clocks are the most accurate time the world of all history, and that means that the world has evolved elementally, a portion by that of people.
The common synonym or letter is as any mathematical formula The any noun, person, place, or thing, that can be defined commonly.
The Meta-mathematics system has been used with scribing and creates an authentic meta database pheonically and alphanumerically through dialect . Metamathmatics Of AB, does not claim to solve problems but with math as the noun, it creates the true elemental factors of life, and allows it's users to learn, to prevent any of life's ailments and displacement through letters alphanumerical classification traversing numbers to letter.
Unorthodox exercise. Will pinch reality, and audit nature to the any passerby, where not only stealth of the earth and human body, but the any noun-Person, Place, or Thing πand reality' of the earths π universe.
Reports are evident in the ecosystem and abundant life element, where nouns are naturally supplements, and the Commodities of education, professional, personal, evolutional, geographic, and existentialism, that defines Humanity.