A Funny Story Read Count : 48

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Comedy

There once was a kingdom of all potatoes. And they had a wonderful president. His name was JOe. And when he rotted, the title was passed down to his son, BoB. 

Nobody liked BoB because too many people liked him. So the well-liked unliked BoB became president.

It went well for 5 minutes. Then a Tomato named SaL came by.

Everyone was like:


"Wooooah!" and,

"Da f is this?!"

And BoB liked the Tomato, and fell in love with her! Then the Potatoes of StarchLand voted her president.

And everyone was happy!

Da end!

Note, I'm sorry if this was bad I never write anything funny like this...


  • You tried

    Jul 02, 2018

  • You forgot the *whispers* kawaii potatoes.

    Jul 05, 2018

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