Category : Diary/Journal
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I know this is wrong..
I'm still married even though I want to get a divorce. But I've been talking to my ex for weeks now(He's the one that's constantly in my dreams and on my mind no matter where I'm at in life). I feel those same butterflies coming back that I always get with him and I hate to say it-we can never stay away from each other. My heart literally feels like I'm supposed to be with him. Like it gives me that sense.. I don't wanna sit here and say that I'm psychic because that will make me sound crazy. :(
I have already told my husband(soon to be ex) that I'm just not happy anymore and I'm not in love with him.. I know you're going to say that's harsh and stuff but I'd rather be honest than lie. We have two beautiful kids together which makes it harder but I don't want to just stay for the kids and I'm getting tired of hearing that I should try to stay with him. I am trying to ignore what my heart is saying but it's really hard.
I was planning on bringing this up with my therapist to see what her suggestions are for this matter. I can't help what I feel. Right?
maybe I am unique in my belief but in my whole hearted love for my wife i refuse to acknowledge thoughts of romance or lust for others. i believe that by entertaining romantic or lustful feelings for others we acknowledge that it is okay to feel for someone other then the person we have sworn ourselves to. We begin to invite ourselves to let someone else into our hearts like poison in the veins. soon it is all we can think of because it is different, fresh, new. you emotionally cheated on your significant other before you fell out of love because you allowed yourself to feel things for someone that has no business inside your relationship. unfortunately for you until you take the oath to forsake all others seriously you will always have someone else in your mind.
Jul 02, 2018
Ashley Baca
i fell out of love way before my thoughts took over but you're entitled to your opinions i suppose..theres a lot more to the story that meets the eye And im not the one that's been unfaithful in my marriage.. he has done it for the whole 2 years weve been married and I've been with him for 3 years.
Jul 02, 2018
Ashley, no one can say what you're doing is right or wrong and no one should judge you for being honest and brave enough to spill it out here. I'm pretty sure you have thought this thing through and this is not a hasty decision on your part. Fact is, only you know the real story behind your closed door. Should you stay with someone out of obligation? No. You deserve to be happy. I wish you all the best. 💜
Jul 02, 2018
We all have to make difficult decisions, but if your heart is guiding you another way there's probably a reason. Facing our fears is tough, but when we take that first step it gets easier along the way. Trust me, living with someone that makes you unhappy is no way to live. Just try to make it easy for both you, your spouse, and your kid's sake.
Jul 02, 2018