Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

I never realized how much I could love another human being until I carried you inside of me for nine whole months. Then you graced me with your beautiful presence at six pounds - fourteen ounces. My life had changed forever and it changed for the best, because you have brought out the very best in me. You are my precious gift from up above and God gave me you. 

No matter how old you are or how many children you have of your own someday, you'll always be my baby boy and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will give you kisses on the forehead and cheeks when you bring your little girlfriend's home to meet us. That's after telling them "You better not hurt my son or I'll hurt you!" 😜

I know things have been difficult but remember that even the biggest and baddest storms don't last forever - this too shall pass. Sometimes we have to walk through the darkness to get to the light.  

I cherish every moment I get to spend with you. I'm grateful for that time and I thank God for that blessing every chance I get. You are my whole world, the air I breathe, the sunshine that lights up my days, and the reason I will do what is righteous for your well-being. You are my purpose in life. Thank you for giving me a reason to live, it will be a better life once again. I think about it all the time. There are also times I find myself worrying about you too, but at the same time I know that you're in safe hands. I pray that God watches over you at all times. Also, be sure to say your prayers as well. That is essential. 

I feel like the luckiest mother alive and at the end of the day, I have a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes, life isn't fair and the struggle is real but I'll ride through this storm and come out on the other end being stronger than ever before. 

Thanks for reading everyone. 💚


  • This is heart warming and touching, its so beautiful

    Jul 01, 2018

  • Holly  Hancock

    Holly Hancock

    Thank you Pink Flamingo.❤

    Jul 02, 2018

  • this is so nice i love this story

    Jul 01, 2018

  • this is so cute and heart warming love ur child and greetings.

    Jul 01, 2018

  • Jul 01, 2018

  • Jul 02, 2018

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