Concentration Camps ? Read Count : 105

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

It is absolutely sad what I have been seeing . 

As we know president Trump has been accused of having concentration camps for children separated by their families . This is an outright lie though . Not only has this system if processing undocumented children been around forever but it is also nothing like a concentration camp . Anyone who did honest research . ( unlike the idiotic writer on this app Mr. WFD .) would realize that all other administrations have done the same thing and that these holding facilities are nothing like concentration camps . To compare a place with beds tvs video games and fun outdoor activities very comparable to summer camp . To compare that to concentration camps is absolutely ignorant and makes the horror of what was concentration camps look like nothing . It is ignorant and Idiotic so Mr. WFD

 Shame in you 


  • It takes away from the horror of real concentration camps to compare a facility where they get good beds tvs meals and video games to a concentration camp

    Jun 30, 2018

  • Thorkel, my man ... you need to buy a freakin clue. Anyone who would remove and relocate small children from their mothers or fathers is criminal against humanity. No ifs ands or buts. Anyone who disagrees with this is no better than the self serving POS that I affecetionetly call Corrupr Lying Fake President.

    Jun 30, 2018

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