Sasha At A Sleepover Read Count : 95

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Relationships

Chapter 1


I was so excited about what will happen at the sleepover because my mom said i could go on a sleepover at my friends house!  But I thought things were going to get better when we got there because me and Mimi are BFF`s forever and we love to hang out together always and we both get this feeling we are related somehow. But it was going to be the best day ever! As soon as I got there I was so excited dt o see her because so I love her so much and we love each other more. We had so much fun together that w shave the same things I inside of us! Later on it was time for bed. But me and Mimi did something sneaky! We sneaked out of our beds and opened the door really quietly and started doing sneaky things together. Yes. I would do that. that's why we are friends because we had the same personalities! It's like we are related somehow like a twin or sister. The next morning we had the best day ever! But if course I had to say goodbye because this was the day I had to come home. But Mimi said "come back next time!" " dont worry" my mom said "you will see her next time"


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