Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
When you're almost asleep, and everything is just how it needs to be for you to fall asleep. That's when you're most vulnerable. That's why, when your about to fall asleep, you hear a noise. A bump, a step, a soft moan. That's a demon coming to get you. They're all different and want you for different reasons. Some want to feast on your flesh, others want to harvest your soul. One or two want to make you suffer, but most want to hear you scream.
The only way to avoid these terrible deaths is to stay in bed. Don't get up. Don't let them know you up. Stay still, calm your breathing. The only way for them to leave is if you stay still. Because what also comes, when you're almost asleep, is your Guardian Angel. But sadly, it lives by a set of rules. It can only be there when you asleep (or in some rare cases you need it), it can't touch the demons, it must only protect your bed. So if you get up you leave its circle of protection.
So when you hear a bump in the night, don't, at all costs, get up. Because if you do, you'll be dragged into the burning pits of hell, with no escape.