Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Chap 1
"FUCK" Was the last thing i heard viskov say before a bullet passed through the x19 windshield and into his right lung. The dead stare in his eyes is something i will never forget. And now I was being expected to go back on there to finish a mission no man could. A journey through hell. Absolute fucking hell.
I was born in Iowa on the 22nd of march on 2022. My mother died when i was 10 and my father was always so focused on his work that him and me rarely interacted. For years i woke up, forced myself out of bed, clambered to the school bus, came home, did my home work and then went to bed.
Until one day on my senior year. I needed change. I needed something to happen because at this rate i was going to lose my mind. Then i saw it. Uncle Sam staring down on me.
It was at that moment i knew what i needed. I enlisted into the marines. It was then that the change that i wanted happened.
I was thrown into training and it was rough. I was able to make several close friends while i was there though. One of which went on into the SAS. I remember him well because of all the friends i made there he was definitely the cockiest and and loudest. His name was Chad Berwick and he was a immigrant from Thailand.
I remember the day he nearly got court martialed for a fight with another trainee. The guys name was mason Drake and he was well known for being a huge racist. It was time for lunch and Chad, Paul, George and I were sitting outside of the small cafeteria we had. Mason stepped out and asked for Chad. Chad came in and a minute later we heard yelling. We headed inside just in time to see Chad throw the first punch. It struck Mason in the right corner of his mouth. As soon as Mason was able to recover from the first punch a second swing from Chad hit mason in the lower stomach. Mason became enraged and kicked chads leg out from under him. Chads back hit the ground and Mason took the opportunity. He launched him self at Chad and ruthlessly grounded his bruised knuckles into Chad's face. Corporal Mendez sprinted to Mason and pulled him off of Chad. Masons knuckles were bruised and bloodied and were twitching for the chance for another strike. I never saw Mason after that.
A few months went by and we finished our trainning. I was able to go home to my girl. I remember day i got home, my golden yellow labrador slept on top of me that night. Anyway i unlocked the door and walked in. I took a breath of air and the familiar scent of home rushed into my nose. My whole body relaxed. Seeing the inside again was good feeling.
I gravitated to the bedroom as it was 5 o'clock in the morning. I opened the door and saw my girl sleeping warmly in bed with our dog next to her, like a comforting guardian. I came and wrapped my arms around around my love and gave her a kiss on the forehead. The moisture from the kiss awoke her and she opened her eyes and lovingly stared at me for minutes. She then grabbed my arm and pulled me into bed with her. She then called in sick and we spent the whole day together, making out, going out to eat and made love.