, Eye Doctors Read Count : 109

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : World

So if everything goes well I doctors it's me I have been to more than 20 different ones so let's start from the beginning I started seeing blue where there was no blue my right I wouldn't dilate so nobody knew what was going on it was crazy so we going to doctors eye doctor after eye doctor eventually we found one that knew what was going on dr. Hartnett she saw in my right eye my retina was detached and let's just clarify your retsina important so I had surgery I remember the first time I was kind of nervous so I went in and I got Anastasia so I wake up in scruciating pain months to recover I had four surgeries on my right eye for my retina so right now where I am is I have good eyesight in my right eye I do wear contacts my left I had a whole we had to do another surgery but this time I left one to cover up the whole this week took me about 4 days to recover but from the other searches I missed all third grade and many years later I had to get stories in my left but no I'm fine even though they think I have another thing in my I am seeing a special ship for what they think I have and through all of this I've been saying one thing in my mind when saying I've heard since I was little when the volcano erupts and it seems like fate is gone but in a couple more days beautiful flowers will grow become the beautiful place that you want to live again so more bad things happen to you the beautifuller in the stronger you become be the next time the volcano erupts you will be ready for it


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