My Story
Read Count : 116
Category : Books-Non-Fiction
Sub Category : Biography
I've seen kids be bullied. I've been bullied myself. I am typing this story in hopes that no one else will be bullied. It is not okay to bully someone. More than once I have come home crying because I had been bullied. I'm saying that if you have been bullied because of your race, religion, hair color, skin type, or because of a disability, That just means that you are wonderfully and fearfully made in God's eyes. You are unique. I have been bullied because of my disabilities. Day after day I would be called Dum-Dum because of my disabilities. I hope that my story will inspire others to stand up for themselves. Don't let anyone tell you that you are Stupid or a a Dum-Dum or anything like that because you are wonderfully and fearfully made in God's eyes and if anyone tells you otherwise, well, they're the The ones who are crazy. No one should have to endure being bullied day after day.
i dont get bulied becuase of my race, or skin or hair color. i get bullied becuase of my overbite, and deformed face. i dont have a disability either... my dad says im beautiful... but i never know the truth. he just tells me what he thinks i want to hear, but what i really want to hear is the truth... but i am not telepaghic... so i guess all i can do is trust the people i want to trust..but i cant, beacuse i trust the bullies, becuase those are the words that stick. why do negative words over power the positive? why is it easier to be negative more than positve?
Jun 28, 2018