Category : Notes/Work
Sub Category : N/A
Truly, I say to you, that life is insane. Can be fantastic, can be terrible, but in the end it is what you make it. I am just learning of the powers of the mind. And this is my story.
What do you believe you can do? What do you think you are capable of as your greatest potential? What kind of adventure do you want your life to be?
I tell you this, I want to matter. Generations from now I want my children’s children’s children to know me and not be lost to history as being just some person who once existed. I want them to know who I am as a person. What will I be known for? My irritability and sharp tongue? I say no. I will be known for the love and joy I show and share to my family and everyone around me. That special spark of a person that draws everyone in just to share in the light.