The Moment I Decided...
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I am worthy, I am strong, I am the opposite you say I am, I am more...This is the moment I decided that I am enoughI don’t need you to tell me how beautiful I am, I don’t need your comments or compliments so I could feel better about myself...I know that I’m capable of loving myself as well as to know that true beauty it’s inside,while you brought me down I understood that I shouldn’t let you affect how I see myself because what matters it’s not what you say or see about me it’s what I say and see about myself...No one can define who you truly are only yourself...This is the moment I decided I had enough of people putting labels on others.We are who we are...No matter the labels, no matters how many times people have hurt us, we cannot believe the lies they tell , that we aren’t beautiful, that we don’t deserved nothing, that we are powerless, that we don’t deserve love because we do. We are beautiful, we are brave, we are strong, and we deserve the same love as everyone else, we deserve better, we deserve respect as well as kindness... We all deserve and need everything bullies and other people have said that we don’t...