Unknot The Nots
Read Count : 162
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
If you have the 'have nots', the 'cannots' and the 'do nots' in your mind, shake them off.
If the 'will nots', 'may nots' and 'might nots' have found a home in your heart, chase them out.
If you have the 'could nots', 'would nots' and 'should nots' dominating your life to the point of obstruction, release them.
Remove from your mind, your heart and your life all the 'am nots' thoughts that you have allowed to hold you back, especially the thought that you are 'not good enough'.
You have the ability and the power to be who you want to be. All you need to do is crush the negativity and pump up the positivity. You do that, watch all the endless possibilities.