Light Switch Read Count : 158

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

When I was younger I thought nothing could faze me.

I thought I was Queen of the world. 

Nothing could hurt me, for I ruled over everything. 

But that soon changed. 

I am no longer a queen, everything hurts me. 

Things can faze in fact things faze me all the time. 

I'm calling for help, I need a saviour. 

I want to go back to a time that was different,

A time when I enjoyed life, a time I could cherish. 

But that's different now, I'm yearning for help. 

Will no one hear my cry! 

My call for help! 

Let me explain something to you we all have a light switch, 

You see this light for most people  is always on. 

But...  For the people that have it off...  There light switch will never be fully on. 

If they do get a chance to turn it back it will dim for you can't get rid of memories. 

But then theres people like me who can't find there light switch. 

It's like the more I look the futher it gets. 

Why me?

What did I do? 

I need help, can no see that? 

Please I'm begging you, 

Im not saying turn my light switch all the way on because that's impossible. 

But i'm asking you to lead the way too my light switch. 

You see I'm not afraid of the dark I'm afraid of what's IN the dark. 

So I may not be afraid of the dark but if theres no light you start to lose your self

To the things lurking inside your mind. 

Can no one see I'm not the girl I wish I could be? 

But I need to keep,  

A perfect smile, 

A perfect laugh, 

A perfect life. 

But that's not me I am not perfect. 

When I finally do tell someone I'm not okay they don't believe me, 

Want to know why? 

This is why, 

They say "let me see your wrists" 

Or " where's the scars?" 

I answer "there not on the outside! There on the inside!" 

You see I guess it's a law that you have to cut yourself 

If your depressed, but I do cut myself just where no one can see

I mentally cut myself, that's the worst cut. 

For cuts on the outside you can pay money to get them away, but can you do the same

For the ones inside your head?

I just want to find my light switch even if it's the dimist of the dim. 

But that won't happen will it? 

I'm to far gone now. 

But that's okay, maybe once I pass away I'll be reborn as a happy cheerful person. 



  • Hioryi  Loves food

    Hioryi Loves Food

    You can't even call this poetry 😆

    Jun 24, 2018

  • I like it, it is good for me.

    Jun 24, 2018

  • i love it

    Jun 24, 2018

  • wow

    Jun 26, 2018

  • Jul 09, 2018

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