Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
"Yes it sou-"
"weeeeeelllllll... that is the the most reasonable explanation." Steph said. *10 seconds of silence*
"who's next to be a brain dead idiot." Xero said sarcastically
"I'm not saying its a good explanation, I'm saying that's the only explanation" Steph said.
"I refuse to believe this is happening" anna complained.
"yes i know its just... ugh i dont even belive it either" michael explained. "WHO DOEEEES!!!?"
"Oh god my mom is texting me" Stephanie said.
"No that was me" veve said.
"Oh *phew*"
"well any-"
"oh" Stephanie said. "WHAT?!" xero said.
"well once ag-"
"Oh man that scared me."
"Okay why are we still talking" micheal sputtered"
Sorry i text when im nervous" veve said.
"You text when your happy, scared, angry, basically you're always texting, okay, steph why do you always assume th- daaaaaa we're getting off topic, okay anyways I also refuse to believe that this happened but there is no oth-" micheal was trying to explain something but xero interrupted.
"OKAY NOW... don't give me none of that...other... explanation biz, what's actually happening is... I am just dreaming."
"Okay now lets not get stupid." Micheal said. Requis face plamed.
"Holy crap someones coming every hide." Everyone ended up hiding in a bush (the same bush.)
"Damn we don't fit we need to throw someone out" steph exclaimed.
"We need to throw out the biggest/fattest person."
"......Micheal" everyone except MICHEAL said. Every started pushing micheal out of the bush. Micheal stood there akwardly. Citizens walked by and gave Micheal the weirdest look. And those citizens were (not suprisingly) wearing 1800's clothing. Micheal gave a small and nervous wave as he backed up into the bush and made a really loud rustle. "Crap"
"There's three policemen near by" "Shhh"
"Did ya hear that." A police man asked.
"Yea' we need to search the bushes." The time went by before one of the police gandered at the buch that the group was in.
"I'VE FOUND EM" the police man yelled.
"Get out of the bushes, and ya won't get shot" the policeman demanded.
"GET OUT NOW" Everyone slowly got out.
"What th' hell are ya wearin" a policeman said
"What should we do with em'?"
"Bring em' to the prime minister." Micheals eyes wided as the police men clutched them and shoved them in carriages. The men got in the fronts and started getting the horses to go.
"You girl, give me th' bright rectangle." The policeman ordered. Veve deliberately passed over her phone.The man took a look gander at it.
"What the bloody hell is this."
"Wellll...."Lillithian was ready to say something before the man glared at her.
"Take your stupid magic back." The man chucked the phone back at her.
"Um if you don't mind me asking wouldn't it just be easier to put us all in the same carriage because w-" Michael's point proving was rudely interrupted by the policeman.
The policeman said in an almost demonic way. Michael's eyes widened.
"Yep...okay....I will."
The carriage started moving as the it also started rocking.
"Okay what the actual hell Michael!?" Lillthian whispered.
"You never told me you could set up pranks!"
"....I wish I could move to the other carriage." Micheal grumbled.
"Hey is it just me or has-"
"Its probably just you."
"5 boring minutes pass with no talking or anything, and the group are still in the carriages."Excuse me sir but why are we getting arrested" Micheal asked
."Well... you're not getting arrested, you're just... we're just... it's just suspicion that's all." The policeman explained. The carriage rode up to a wide white building. Everyone as being forced to get out of the carriage rushed out.
"Kasey stop staring at the big ben" "I'm not" Kasey replied.
"What's wrong with staring at the big Ben?"
"Its disrespectful." Said Michael
"Okay that's proof RIGHT THERE that you have unreliable sources" noko grumbled.They were walk on a walkway leading to a big corridor into a roomy entrance, they kept going forward into a hall with red carpet then in a door to a room, and there sat, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil. The 11 kids were pushed forward.
".........Mr.Gascoyne, I don't know what you're thinking right now but I assure you that nothing is going on, however I don't get why we here, like... is hiding in bushes illegal, or is there like rats in the bushes?" Micheal asked.
"Or is it that there is a black person in the group."
Requis questioned.
"REQUIS!" Kasey yelled.
"We're just suspicious thats all" Gascoyne-Cecil mumbled.
"Yeah we beliiiive you⸮" requis emphasized.
"REQUIS!" Lillathian yelled.
"May I get your names please? Starting with the blond girl." Gascoyne-Cecil asked.
"Kasey northeast" kasey replied.
"The one with the missing foot please" Gascoyne-Cecil asked .
"Uhm Stephanie sugarsean."
"Requis whats your last name?" Gascoyne-Cecil asked.
"The one with the leather goggles" Gascoyne-Cecil asked
"Noko sorazati."
"Now the one looking at the flashing light." Gascoyne-Cecil asked. A few seconds of silence passed.
"Her name is veve kilokern." Stephanie explained.
"The one with the glasses please." Gascoyne-Cecil asked.
"Michael clockden."
"You with the skinny legs." Gascoyne-Cecil asked.
"Bennett retteni."
"Pink haired girl" Gascoyne-Cecil.
"Anna uni."
"Blue haired kid" Gascoyne-Cecil.
"Xero qweern."
"And finally the last one"
"Lillathian....yortyurt." Stephanie started to chuckle quietly. Lillathian slowly turned and glared at her.
"Thank you for your time" Gascoyne-Cecil said. The kids were then escorted out the building and on the streets.
"Enjoy the rest of your day" the policeman happily said.
"Well what are we supposed to do now‽" Xero asked.
"The only thing that is keeping me calm is that i don't have to deal with antidisestablishmentarianism" Kasey randomly said.
"That has nothing to do with my question." Xero complained.
"Well just every day I was forced to go to church no matter what" Kasey replied.
"You're actin like we know what distabmental- or whatever means." Xero explained.
"While you guys were babbling on I thought of something we cou-" Micheal interrupted by Stephanies ear piercing screen scream.
The group looked over to Stephanie who was getting carried away by a street gang...
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