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Sub Category : Politics
Jared Kushner absolutely had multiple discussions with Russian operatives during the campaign and during the transition that he did NOT disclose in his National Security Clearance qualification process. He LIED!! Additionally, he attempted to set up a clandestine back channel for communications between the pre-innaugurated Trump organization and the Russians. Importantly, he did this with no other nation. Everyone with a functional IQ knows the Russians were actively attacking our democratic process to the benefit of the eventual Fake President, aka Scrotus, during the time frame Kushner was working his anti American espionage. Fake President has told us many times that Kushner is an absolute genius, a boy wonder who can handle the executive management of multiple projects.So any lame ass excuses that will be soon coming forward that attempt to explain away his motives are treasonous in and of themselves. It is sickening to see Republicans coming on the news shows making attempts to make us think there is no there, there. WTF? I thought Republicans were patriots who always put America first. I was wrong. There are certainly a few exceptions, but by and large, the Republican leadership and most of the rank and file need to pay the price for their malfeasance. This ultimately will be on us if we don't make a correction at the upcoming mid term elections in 2018. VOTE THEM OUT!
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