Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Beautiful woman
Angel in the night
Spread your wings baby
And take flight
I can picture a full moon
And the stars shining bright
The twinkle in your eyes
Makes everything alright
I can feel the love
It's at its height
For this is the feeling I strive for
When I write
It's the one emotion
That can fill a soul with light
It can render you utterly speechless
With merely its might
Its breathtaking
To say the least
It's like a drug
That you can't see
But you know it's there
Its invisible
Yet you can feel it in the air
It exists nowhere
But I can still take you there
Its flawless in it's design
It's unconditional
And can outlast the hands of time
It can out span
The dimensions of your mind
It's potential power
Can't even be fathomed by man
Justin "Venom" Waddle ® ©