The Ride Read Count : 341

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
As he zooms towards the city, nothing but the engine makes noise. He prefers it that way, for he knows what is to come. Sitting in back of the long vehicle of power and privilege, he takes in his moment of Zen. Just before he reaches the beginnings of massive urban village, he starts to think, 'How did I get here?' Looking back at his life as of late, it begins to feel like this is all a dream. 'Who am I to deserve such a status?' Then sadness creeps in as he realizes that he has now put himself up to a standard that he might not be able to provide forever. That no one will ever see him, only the ego. That besides those who knew him before this madness, all will think of him as a fame whore. All will think they know him, but none will come close. The window separating the driver from his lone body rolls down, “We will be reaching the Dolby Theater in ten minutes.” He thanks the driver. The man nods as he rolls the divider back up. He takes out his phone. Checking his text messages, he whispers to himself. 'Why tonight of all nights did she have to get the flu?' Then seeing that she left him a message, he opens it. "I am so sorry, Love. I will be there in spirit. Good Luck! Love you with all my heart." He smiles. Then putting his phone back. He sits and waits again as the streets begin to have less cars and more people in them. As he gets closer, he breaths, '"It begins." Slowly the noise begins to rise as people screaming at the top of their lungs at his window. Putting on his game face, his gets ready to face the insanity that is fame.


  • Mar 12, 2017

  • Mar 12, 2017

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