Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
The sun was just coming above the horizon, it was the day I was to meet my suitor. A woman must marry before the dawn of her 18th year, and that was fast approaching for me. I looked in the small glass mirror that was given to me by the prince of the kingdom I am living in, also known as Arcadora. He had given it to me when we were little so I doubted he remembered. It was rare for the prince to show interest in any woman let alone a poor commoner like me.
I smiled and admired my reflection, I propped the mirror up and pulled my long black hair into a braid that came to my mid back. I smoothed down the simple but modest light tan dress that hugged my curves, I picked up the light blue corset vest and put it on, tightening it to where it fit perfectly. I was beautiful, my jade green eyes stared back at me from the mirror as I looked myself over. I had to be perfect, if no man decided to marry me I was to be sent to the outskirts of the kingdom to live as a harvester and to never marry. The council found that if a woman was to marry after she was 18 then conflict broke out among the marriage and it fell to shambles.
I pulled on my worn brown slip shoes and put my mirror in a safe place. The house I was living was a simple cottage, a one story house with three rooms, one main sitting area, the kitchen, and the bedchamber. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread. As I nibbled on the stale bread I crouched down and knocked on the floorboards till I found the loose one, with a small smile I removed it and pulled out a moss green cloak and a belt with a long sword attached. Itwas forbidden for a female to learn the ways of the ranger but I loved the feel of the sword in my hands. I put the belt around my waist and it hung loosely around it, I threw the cloak around my shoulders and tied the strings around my neck so it would not fall.
With my hood up I slipped out of the house and headed to the forest. It was the only place that I was able to practice without anyone finding me, no one dared to go into the forest, they were scared of what they did not know. I was only going to practice till high noon, then I had to head to the town square to meet the man who I am to marry.
The forest was quiet and relaxing as I ran through the trees, my feet silent on the ground. When I was running through the forest I was free, free from the laws, free from who I was supposed to be. I reached the clearing that I called my own, it wasn’t that big, just large enough for a training area.
My eyes closed as I breathed in the grassy scent mixed with fresh running water, I pulled my sword. My arms no longer trembled from the weight of the man’s sword, I had grown stronger over the years of using it. My form was near perfect, considering I never had training. I moved through the forms with ease and I always work on building my strength up.
I soon lost track of time and only stopped when my whole body was tired and sore. I looked up to the sky to see that it was almost high noon, I would not have time to run home and hide my cloak and sword. I ran to the far edge of the clearing and placed the cloak and sword in a fallen hallow oak tree, throwing dead leaves on it. I ran towards the town as fast as I could, still staying silent as not to disturb the animals near me.
Once I reached the area where people could see me I slowed to a fast walk. Walking to the center of town I fixed my braid to where I was presentable and I sat on one of the stone benches to wait. As I rested I looked around the town square and started to analyze thepeople, something I had perfected when I was younger. There was a couple standing under the clock tower, the man was fidgeting and I could tell he was planning on asking her to marry him. His hand kept drifting to his pocket on his pants, probably checking to see if the ring is still there. There was a group of girls milling through the market, looking at some clothing. The fashion of the clothing was a bit too mature for their age, so they were probably getting something for their mothers.
I was listening to the area around me so I was not surprised when I heard the man behind me speak. “Miss Seraphina?”
I turned to see a man with hair as black as ink, a smile that made the hair on my arms stand on end, and a slim body that told me he was not much of a worker. His simple closeness put me on edge, there was something off about him. He held out his hand in offer to help me up. I slipped my small hand into his and his long fingers closed around my hand in a soft but firm grab. He gently pulled me to my feet and started to walk with me around the town center. He places one hand on my lower back and the other kept my hand trapped in his.
He would smile slightly with his eyes closed, faking happiness, his smile never reached his eyes. Making me feel like he didn’t want to be here or that he was here on business.
I was quiet the whole time, only answering when the man addressed me, acting the way woman was supposed to act. I hated every second of it, the man’s hand never left my lower back and anytime one of my friends would greet me he would instantly push me to walk faster, saying that I was soon to be his wife and that I would be a higher status than them and that no man was to talk to me.
I felt like a slave the minute I met him. He never told me his name, but that I have to call him Sir. or Husband. I had to keep my eyes on the ground, never looking at anyone or making eye contact with the man.
“Next week you will be moved out of this house and into mine, and the day after you move in we will be married.” The man said.
“So soon?” my voice slightly squeaking as I looked up at him, making the mistake of looking into his deep brown almost black eyes.
There was a sharp crack as the palm of his hand hit my cheek, making me fall to the side, “Never look at me directly.” There was a slight growl in his voice. “Now stand up, and it is going to be soon so no man has the chance to try and take you away from me.” The man said as I pulled myself up from the ground.
The whole right side of my face was stinging, I resisted putting my hand on my cheek to try and comfort the sting. I nodded and turned to head inside my house, “Goodnight Sir. I will see you in the morrow.” I say softly as I went into my house.
I watched out the cracks in the door as he left, as soon as he was gone I snuck back out the door and ran to the forest, my feet knowing exactly where to go. I reached the clearing and ran to where I hid my sword.
“What is a lovely young lady like you doing out here in the forest? And with a sword no less.” I heard a voice from behind me say.
I turned around to see the prince behind me. I am stunned at seeing him and I can’t seem to get my voice.
“Uh…uh…um…I…” I start to say trying to make an excuse for having a sword. As soon as I find my voice, and so I don’t seem like a compete bimbo I instantly bow to my knees. “I’m sorry my Lord, my father gave me his sword..” he chuckles cutting me off and I look up at him, his soft brown eyes watching me with a smile in them.
“Fear not young maiden,” he begins, my eyebrow raises at the young comment but I stay quiet, “I will not harm nor will I discredit you, for a woman with a sword is more dangerous than a man with ten…” hislaughter cuts him off and I stand up.
I knew I should not think these things but how dare he laugh at me, I was in complete shock at his sudden outburst of laughter and when he saw the shock on my face he laughed harder. I shook my head and threw my cloak around my shoulders and I started to walk away, but when I saw the prince taking off his bow and started to reach for one of his short swords it made me stop in my place. “In fact I would very much like to see how well trained you are!” he exclaims. I shake my head and look at him like he was crazy.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t fight you.” I say still in shock, partly because I am talking to the prince and above all he is armed with a ranger’s sword, and partly because he wants to fight me.
“Come now…this shall be intriguing.” The prince says, sounding like he thinks he will win. It was getting me slightly agitated. “What? Are you worried that I’ll hurt you?” he asks and I slightly chuckle, “how about this, I’ll go easy on you.” With that last comment I snap.
I stand still for a moment before I pull off my cloak and unsheathe my sword, dropping the sheath to the ground. “I pray you do not go easy on me.” I say as I slip into my defensive stance.
He goes into his stance and he starts to circle me, taking a step forward, faking a lunge. He wanted me to strike first and that is exactly what I do. Our swords clash as he counters my attack, swinging his sword in return into my defense. “You fight quite well my lady.” He says and I smirk as I attack once more, making him back up a few steps to defend the blow, “in fact your skill is far superior to most I have fought.” He admits.
I chuckle and block one of his attacks with ease, “I practice, my prince!” I reply. The fight goes on for a while longer, attack, counter, defend, and repeat. Once he made the mistake of leaving his sword tilted a little too far down I instantly spun my blade around his making him throw it, I closed in on him and placed my sword up to his throat. We were both breathing hard and I realized how close I was to him. I took a few steps back and grabbed my belt and sheath and my cloak. I sheathe my sword and he starts to clap, I can’thelp but smile and bow slightly.
“Very good for a woman.” he says with a smile.
“Not too bad for a man!” I call out as I leaned against a tree to catch my breath. He was looking at me with a slight interest.
“I would very much like to do this again.” He says smiling, he was trying to be charming, and I found it quite funny.
I smile and stand up to leave, “I’m sorry, but I am engaged.” My voice taking on a playful tone to it.
“At least tell me you name my Fair maiden.” He says as I turn around.
“Seraphina, my name is Seraphina.” I say softly.
“Seraphina.” I can hear him say softly. I slightly smile and start to walk away.
“Wait! I must meet you again! Please?” he says making me stop once more, I slightly sigh and turn around.
“I practice out here every morning till high noon.” I say softly
I hear the prince’s name called out from behind him and he turns around and yells, “It’s alright, I’m fine, calm yourselves.” At his distraction I ran from the clearing and hid behind a tree. I look back to see him turn to look where I once stood and his face fell slightly. He turned and headed in the direction of where the royal castle lays.
I turned away from where the prince once was and I threw my cloak over my shoulders, tying it around my neck once more. I pulled my hood up and started to walk through the forest, never making a sound. I reached the edge of the forest and slipped past the patrolling guard to run to my house. It was quiet on the street, all lights were out and everyone was sleeping. I stayed to the shadows of the houses as I approached mine. The house was dark and I slipped inside, running to the kitchen and pulling up the loose board and putting my cloak and sword away.
I slowly walked to my room and pulled off my dress and shoes, leaving me in my thin under dress and my panties. It was comforting being able to relax in my simple underclothes. I slipped onto my small bed and sleep instantly pulled me under.
I was in the open field by the river, my mother was bathing in the river and I was brushing out my wet hair. I was only 5 at the time, just barley learning the rules that women had to follow. I picked up the small silver necklace that was my mothers, admiring the small cross and the way the sun shined off of it. I was startled out of my daze by a shrill scream, I peaked around the bush that was shielding my mother.
There were solders surrounding her and she was trying her best to hide herself. “Come now, you must not be ashamed of your body.” The head guard said. He was easily identified by the way he held himself. “I haven’t been with a beauty like you in years,” the guard growled out as he grabbed my mother’s wrist.
“I will not be unfaithful to my husband,” my mother said as she pulled her hand away from the guard.
The guard got mad and hit her, making her whimper. I heard another scream, then I realized it was me who had scream, but I didn’t realize it till the guards looked over at me. “So you have a daughter, hmm let’s see what she thinks of the head guard.” He said with a grin. The guard walked over to me and when he grabbed my face to make me look him in his eyes I bit him, hard. The man pulled his hand back and cursed.
“Kill the brat,” the man ordered as he walked away.
“No please, not my daughter. Punish me if you must, but please don’t hurt my daughter.” My mother said with tears making her blue eyes look gray.
The guard nodded and pulled out a small dagger, walked to my mother and grabbed her blond hair. He pulled her out of the river and threw her in front of me.
“Time to learn what happens when you don’t do as you’re told,” the man said. He took the dagger and sliced it across my mother’s stomach. It was deep, but shallow enough to make her death a painful one. I cried out and broke free of the lower rankings guards grasp.
“You are a sick man,” I say, my voice full of pain. I crawled to my mother and I couldn’t hold back the tears as I watched the life drain out of her body.
I woke from the dream with tears running down my face. I slowly sat up in my bed and pulled my legs up to my chest, the sun wasn’t even up, but I was wide awake. I silently cried for a while longer, letting out my pain for my mother. I haven’t dreamed of her in years, and the dream opened up old scars and created new ones. That was the one reason why I trained with my sword. I was going to kill the man who killed my mother.
Once my tears dried up I got out of my bed, the floor was cold, it was still dark so I had to feel my way around the room to find my way. I felt through my clothes till I found my riding pants and men’s shirt. I was going to head to the market and get me a few more swords. I went to the loose board in the kitchen and pulled it up, pulling out my cloak and my sword, but instead of replacing the board I reached farther down till I felt the leather bag. I grabbed it and pulled it out. In it was over 500 gold pieces, saved from years of work and saving up. I put my cloak over my shoulders and put the hood up, my sword resting in its usual spot on my hip.
I opened the door to the outside and slipped out into the dark of the night, keeping to the shadows as always. There was a dog baying in the distance and I slightly smirked, no would know that I was out, no one knew me at the distant kingdom where all weapons were made and traded. The merchants there didn’t care if they sold a weapon to a woman, gold was gold.
I needed to find a horse to ride, there was a stable closer to the edge of the kingdom. The owner is a friend of mine and he wouldn’t mind if I borrowed a horse. I turned down the street that would lead to the stables and I realized too late that the street was not empty. I saw three guards and I instantly moved to the shadows, not wanting to be seen.
The guards were talking and I slowly approached them.
“Sir, when is this going to take place?” one of them asked.
“They say in a few months, but it will end up being in a year or two.” The second guard said.
“We need this to happen soon sooner.” The third one stated.
I couldn’t tell what they were talking about but their voices soon faded as I walked past them and closer to the stables. As I looked over to the horizon I saw that the sky was getting lighter. I had to be fast. I spotted the stables and I ran towards it. It was a simple building, three walls just tall enough to house horses, with dividers and gates to keep the horses separated and locked in. There were six areas divided off and I headed to the last one, in it was a midnight black mare that I always rode. As I approached her she slightly neighed. I opened the gate and slowly walked up to her head, always keeping one had on her.
“Shh, its ok Midnight, we are going for a little ride,” I say softly as I grab the rope around her neck. I pulled her out of the hay covered stall and towards the saddle closet, her feet softly making a clopping noise as she walked on the cobblestoned ground.
The closet was unlocked and I opened it to find my saddle resting in its normal place, it was a stained leather saddle that was worn down from years of use. I looked back at Midnight to see that she was going to stay where she was, I dropped the rope and headed deeper to find her bit and reins. I found them hanging in the same place I left them, at the back of the closet hanging on the wall, they were made of the same stained worn leather that the saddle was made of. I grabbed them and headed back to the saddle and let the smell of leather relax me as I ran my hand across it. I walked up to Midnight and easily put the bit into her mouth, throwing the reins over her head before I turned to get the saddle.
I picked it up with ease and walked over to Midnight letting her slightly smell the saddle before I put it on her, I tightened up all the straps and headed to the street. In one swift motion I mounted her and kicked her into a trot, not wanting anyone to notice who I was. It was easy to leave the kingdom behind me in a flash of speed, the hard part was coming back. The rode to the small merchant town that I am heading to is through the bandit land, so everyone was afraid to go to go to the small merchant village. No one knew the name of it, only that it was full of merchants so everyone just called it the merchant village.
As I got farther away from the kingdom the trees started to get thicker and thicker, soon creating a canopy over the trail. Once the kingdom was out of view I slowed Midnight down to a canter and pulled down my hood, the sun was just coming above the horizon and sunlight was filtering through the leaves. I was going to have to make the buy quickly, I needed to be back before noon so no one noticed my absence.
The trail started to get darker and rougher, I was getting closer to the bandit camp. I instantly pulled my hood up, keeping my hair inside so no one could tell that I was a female. My hand rested on the hilt of my sword, the warm leather hilt relaxed me as I sat back in the saddle, taking on a man’s stance. I straightened my shoulders and the way my cloak rested around me hid my breasts. Soon the trail was just rocks and Midnight was getting jumpy. The trees grew thicker to where there was barley any light hitting the ground, I knew I was getting close.
Midnight started at neigh at me and tried backing up, her hooves pawing at the ground nervously. She knew someone was close and she didn’t like it. I urged her forward with some difficulty, but she finally started to move forward slowly. We went farther into the thickest part of the forest and Midnight was getting really nervous, she was tensing up to turn around and run when a figure dropped from the shadows. I pulled Midnight to a standstill, needing her to remain calm. The figure stood up from the crouch that he had landed in. He was of average height, and stocky build with tattoos on his arms and torso. The man stood there with a half grin across his scarred up face as he scratched his bare chest absent mindedly. All he wore was trousers with holes in the knees, a short sword was resting on his hip, as was a rusty pistol.
“You picked the wrong day to be traveling lad.” the man said gruffly. I chuckled deep in my throat, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to tell if I was female or male.
“And why is that?” I say masking my voice. I slid off Midnight with ease, my boots hitting the ground with a soft thud. The man slightly chuckled and put his hand on the hilt of his pistol, ready to pull and fire at any moment.
“Because, you’re standing in front of me,” is all he says before he pulls out his pistol. For a stalky guy, he moved pretty fast. The gun was pointed at me, as his finger pulled the trigger I dropped down to the hard dirt packed trail. The bullet whizzed past my head but caught my hood to where it was pulled down. I flipped over to my stomach trying to hide my face, but it was no good, I could feel that my hair had come loose and was covering the ground. The hit from the ground started to hurt and I slightly groaned. “So you’re a girl,” he stated as he walked closer to me, as he walked I pulled my legs up under me. Settling on my knees with my head down I acted like I was clutching my stomach in pain, which wasn’t hard to do considering I was in pain. I heard the man’s boots stop behind me and I turned around, pulling out my sword out as I did, surprising the man making him take a step back.
“Do not touch me,” I growl out as I stand up, the man chuckles and points his gun at me again. I smile slightly and shake my head. I was not going to let him take me down so easily. I may be a girl but I was good enough with a sword. I took a few steps towards him, making him back up, his finger tightened on the trigger. I made a sharp jerk towards his hand with the gun with the sword, making the blade cut across his wrist making him drop the gun.
“Bitch!” he shouted out as he pulled his hand toward his chest in hopes to stop the bleeding, but it would be no use, the cut was too deep. I did a strong spin bringing the sword close to my body, thrusting it out in time to bring the blade to and through his neck, half way decapitating him. I pulled my sword out of the bandit’s neck with a grunt, making blood splatter on me and the ground around me.
I walked to the side of the dirt path and wiped the blood off of my sword in the grass. It’s not good to leave blood on the iron of a sword or it will rust. I looked over at the corpse and shook my head as I put my sword back into the sheath.
“Men will never learn will they?” I muttered as I walked over to the dead body. There were flies hovering it already, but I bet that he had flies before he was dead. I took a deep breath before I got close enough to smell the stench, I quickly searched his pockets pulling out a small bound leather pouch that had 500 gold in it. “Look Midnight, it seems like we will be able to get all of what we wanted,” I yell out to my horse smiling, temporarily forgetting about the stench until I gag on the smell. I stumbled back away from the body, trying to escape them smell. “I think I’m never going to get the smell off of me,” I mutter as I walk up to midnight. She slightly neighed and shook her head, probably smelling the body and agreeing with me. I quickly put the gold pouch on my belt and mounted Midnight.
I spurred her on and she took a wide birth around the corpse, I don’t blame her I can still smell him. The brush only got thicker from there, making it harder to maneuver through.
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